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viO Women's Health Blog

Real-life stories from viO users and essential information from women's health experts

  1. Is The Pandemic Impacting Your Cycle? Here’s How Tracking Can Help

    Is The Pandemic Impacting Your Cycle? Here’s How Tracking Can Help

    Is your cycle unpredictable these days – showing up early or late, or skipping a month at a time? If you’ve noticed a change (or changes!) to your menstrual cycle over the past two years, you’re not alone! This makes sense, of course, as the pandemic has brought unbelievable stress into our lives, which as we know, can have an impact on our cycles.

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  2. Endometriosis Awareness

    Speaking Out in Honor of Endometriosis Awareness

    We honor endometriosis awareness as a way to raise awareness of a disease that affects an estimated 200 million women worldwide. At OvuSense and viO HealthTech, we strive to bring a voice to women who are looking to take control over their health. In our latest blog, we’re sharing some information around endometriosis, including what the condition is and what symptoms to watch for, as well as hearing from some members of our community.

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  3. Breaking the Infertility Bias This International Women’s Day

    Breaking the Infertility Bias This International Women’s Day

    Celebrated on March 8th each year, International Women’s Day is an opportunity to recognize the women who have made a difference in our past and continue to shape our society today. Since this year’s theme is about breaking the bias, we wanted to shine a light on some of the brave women that have shared their stories of infertility. While infertility affects nearly 1 in 8 women, it is still a taboo subject.

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  4. Introducing viO HealthTech: Digital Solutions for the Complete Women’s Health Journey

    Introducing viO HealthTech: Digital Solutions for the Complete Women’s Health Journey

    Today we are thrilled to announce that Fertility Focus has a new name – viO HealthTech! Derived from the Spanish meaning “a view” and Latin “I journey”, the name change reflects the Company’s natural evolution into Digital Therapeutics as we look to expand our current fertility offerings to encompass clinically-proven digital solutions for a woman’s entire health journey.

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  5. 11 Fertility Myths - now busted!

    11 Fertility Myths - now busted!

    You only have to spend a bit of time on a fertility forum to read conflicting advice and opinion about many aspects of fertility. How many times have you wondered whether what you are reading is fact or fiction? Here are eleven popular fertility myths and their factual answers:

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  6. Putting the love back into your love making. ;)

    Putting the love back into your love making. ;)

    We get that it's tough, especially the last couple of years with COVID to keep things lively and positive when TTCing. 
    Some couples report that their relationship is affected positively both in how they now interact with each other emotionally and also in the physical and intimate part of their relationship. Sadly, however, one of the main reasons for the growing tensions in a relationship is sex and the changing dynamics of this intimate union.
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  7. Fertility Acronyms de-bunked!

    Fertility Acronyms de-bunked!

    Starting the journey to having a baby can be really confusing!  There's so much to learn and know.  We thought it might be useful to share some of the lingoes we see on social channels.

    So here we go…….


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  8. Understanding miscarriage

    Understanding miscarriage

    Miscarriage is very common and it’s a topic.  It is estimated that 1:6 of pregnancies will end in miscarriage. Despite being common, this does not take away the heartbreak that suffering from a miscarriage causes. Each individual acts differently to a pregnancy loss. Emotions that women and couples feel range from anger, grief, disappointment, and guilt, to fear of it happening again and sadness or depression. These emotions are completely normal and if you have had a miscarriage it is important to allow yourself the time to grieve for your loss.

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  9. Homeopathic Fertility Treatments: Acupuncture, Reflexology & More

    Homeopathic Fertility Treatments: Acupuncture, Reflexology & More

    With the rise of more testing and data in healthcare, it seems like infertility is becoming more common. This may be due to the rising age of parenthood across the globe, environmental issues, or a slew of other issues. Conventional infertility treatments can be extremely expensive and complicated, so many who struggle with infertility seek alternative solutions that are more manageable.

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  10. (if you are in the USA) What is an FSA and an HSA?

    (if you are in the USA) What is an FSA and an HSA?

    What is an HSA or FSA? 

    A health savings account (HSA) and a flexible spending account (FSA) are both tax-advantaged accounts that allow you to save specifically for certain medical or wellness expenses. HSAs are usually only available to people who have a high-deductible health plan, and are tax-exempt, meaning money goes in tax-free, comes out tax-free, and can earn interest tax-free. 

    While FSAs also have tax benefits, they are only available as part of a benefits package from an employer, but the medical expenses you can use it on are very similar to an HSA. Typically, FSA funds are “use or lose” each year, while unused balances in HSA accounts roll over into the next year. 

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