Why choose OvuFirst?
Designed for ultimate accuracy, OvuFirst provides the answers you need now, to maximize your chance of getting pregnant.
Accuracy matters because you need to know the best time to try and conceive in every cycle. OvuFirst provides you with a full 8-day fertile window at the start of each cycle based on what it learns about your unique pattern.
OvuFirst is also clinically proven to correctly identify up to 3 more days when you can get pregnant in every cycle than other devices. That means OvuFirst could help you save up to 10 months trying to conceive.*
Take control of getting pregnant and choose OvuFirst today.
Order nowHow does it work?
Wear the OvuFirst temperature sensor on your arm or wrist each night and download each morning to our free OvuSense App. The App constantly updates you on your fertility status, providing real time daily information you cannot get with urine strips or other monitors.
The OvuSense App also allows you to track everything else that's going on with your pregnancy journey so you get the full picture: the supplements you're taking, your period, when you have sex, your cervical secretions, diagnostic tests, and any medications.
What does the temperature chart mean
By providing you with the most accurate picture of your skin temperature possible, the OvuFirst algorithm is showing you what's happening to the main hormone involved with ovulation - progesterone. It's also showing you the progesterone level at other times in your cycle when it really matters. Your progesterone level should be low at the start of the cycle before you ovulate - shown by a lower temperature, and it should remain high after ovulation - shown by a higher temperature.
Why should I trust the results?
OvuFirst uses the revolutionary patented viO technology trusted globally for over 10 years. Unlike other products, OvuFirst is a class II medical device. That means we have to prove what we claim through externally reviewed clinical studies.
Take control of getting pregnant and choose OvuFirst today